Friday, July 21, 2017

Friday Hunt 2017.2.3

Friday is here and time again for Teresa’s fun meme Friday Hunt. She provides the prompts, we the pics, and away we go:

Starts with C. There are lots of this letter around. First is our son Cameron, at his second birthday in 1992…and in 2003 taking a unique implement to toast that marshmallow over the fading charcoal heat...
Another 'C' is convertible, and two I saw at a car show on Sunday, a Triumph TR-3 and a 1936 Ford, both looking very nice with their tops folded down.
Building. I was in this building on Tuesday and I love the design. This is the Emmett O’Brien Technical High School after its dramatic expansion and makeover. It feels like a ship’s bow cruising along the Ansonia hilltop
Something I wear. I certainly wouldn’t wear these in the current July heat and humidity - however in the winter, with the drafty heat these microwave slippers are a toasty treat for the toes. Thanks Teresa for the prompts!


  1. Love he laid back attitude of your son toasting mallows and those 2 cars are gorgeous. Fabulous looking building. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2., that's a long marshmallow stick.

  3. Your son is so cute in that first picture - I love his counting shoes - an extra C that you slipped into that pic! Your slippers are very much like the ones I wear in winter - mine have removable microwave pads with rice or something inside them. Mine also have lavender in them and are supposed to help you feel relaxed (or maybe stop my feet from being stinky!). I just like having warm feet! The school has very impressive architecture - wow! The cars remind me of ones I used to see at the car show at Salisbury House in Des Moines, Iowa. I think the focus was on pre-1950s cars at that show.

  4. Laid back son you have, Ralph. At least in this picture. I have always liked the Triumph TR-3 and at one time had thoughts of getting one. That would be a waste of $$$$ for the though. Probably now I couldn't get in one.

  5. Fun attitude from your son. I worked with a lady that had a Triumph back in the mid 1960's. I remember a couple of the 36 Fords still cruising the streets in my very young years. I bet the slippers are good for arthritis, too.

  6. Great choices for the prompts. Love the long stick your son chose for toasting marshmallows. The convertibles are nice. Looks like a great show. That building is amazing. The school I teach in is very vintage (Is that a nice way of saying old and run down?) Those slippers would be perfect for a cold winter morning. Thanks so much for joining Friday's Hunt. Have a great rest of the week!
