Friday, August 10, 2018

The Weekend Roundup, 'F'

The weekend has arrived, so I am ready for Tom's meme The Weekend Roundup. The sixth letter of the alphabet is featured and this was easy this week :)

I start today with a pristine 1954 Ford Sunliner in a fantastic peach finish.
I believe this picture is from 1957 or so. Here is my grandparents and Aunt Terry standing on the marker of the Four Corners of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah.  Grandpa's famous 1955 Dodge is in the background... 
Here is at a park in Omaha at the birthplace of the 36th president Gerald R. Ford. this was right around where my sister lived was this neat neighborhood park.
Flower. Here is a flower (weed?) growing through the massive Savin Rock in West Haven, CT. A mighty flora!


  1. Hi Ralph ~~ I like your 54 Sunliner, it's real pretty. I grew up about 35 miles north of Omaha, 7 miles west of Herman. I was born there also, in our farmhouse. Thanks for posting the four corners, I had forgotten which states they are.

  2. I love that car and would like a ride in it. Interesting the image of the "4 corners". I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  3. ...that 'F'ord Sunliner sure is sweet! Great 'F'our Corners. Gerald R. 'F'ord was a favorite of mine, but he sure looks good right about now. It looks like a 'F'lower to me! Thanks Ralph for stopping by, enjoy your week.

  4. The Ford is a winner! I think 4 corners looks a little different today. Nice seeing it as it was in days gone by. The yellow flower has a bloom, so that reads flower to me. :)
