Friday, May 25, 2018

The Weekend Roundup "U"

Friday arrives again so I am ready for another installment of Tom's most excellent meme The Weekend Roundup. The final vowel is this week's letter... 

Starts with "U". My first entry is the S.S. United States, once the fastest liner (35 knots if I recall). It currently is berthed in Philadelphia awaiting its fate. This photo was taken in 2000 and we took the long way home from a vacation to get it. Why? Our son, then 9, was so interested in the classic ocean liners (Titanic, et al) we thought he'd like to see it. Patti took the pic (see mirror)
For this weekend, another 'U' is the United States Air Force (USAF) where family members have served. The first is my dad (seated on the eft, lower row) who was actually United States Army Air Force as this was before the formation of the USAF in 1947...
My sister Michele was in the USAF as an engine mechanic (T-37, T-38) in the '70s at the old Williams AFB in Arizona...
My late sister Claudia was also in the USAF. Here she was graduating from Officer Training School as a Second Lieutenant (2nd Lt) in 1984 at Lackland AFB in San Antonio. She is with my dad, 3+ decades from his days in the USAAF...
My brother Chris retired from the USAF a few years ago. Here I think was around 1985 at work. 
Finally I am Under, and looking Up at a pair of aerobatic plaines at an air show a few decades ago. I love the precision these pilots as the fly in close quarters. Have a nice Memorial Day as we memorialize those who sacrificed their lives allow us the many freedoms we enjoy...


  1. A very nice "U" page, Ralph. Thanks for the US Army Air Corps picture. I took USAF ROTC during my first stent in college. That was back in 1952 BUT we were issued brown uniforms the first semester. I'm not sure we ever did get blues but I do remember we had to dye the Brown shoes to Black. In the military I was in the Army but there also we went from brown to black shoes and boots. I had to dye them black also. Mrs. Jim flew in a T-37 (I think that was it) trainer painted yellow. It left Galveston and flew along the beach. She had the Deluxe ride and got to do barrel rolls. She also got to put down the landing gear as she was flying up in the front seat. Her brother was killed over Italy in WWII, his P-38 was shot down, him too on the way down in the parachute. I have a broken kneecap, it told about it in my post for tonight.

  2., what a flying family you come from Ralph. Nice post as we approach Memorial Day. I must say that I struggled a bit with 'U.' Thanks so much for stopping by, enjoy your weekend.

  3. WOW! An UTTERLY lovely anad interesting post. I hope you have a wonderful weekend

  4. The perfect post for this Memorial Day weekend.
