Friday, March 31, 2017

Friday Hunt, 2017.1.13

It is a rainy, windy and cold Friday in Southern New England - so safely ensconced inside, it is time for this week's edition of Teresa' fun photo meme Friday Hunt. Following are my look at this week's clues...

Starts with 'M'. There is Maryland, the seventh state of the Union and also, curiously, the Mason-Dixon Line which is a demarcation between Maryland and Pennsylvania and Delaware. This was taken along US-1 in August 2000 on a family vacation. Note that our destination was Lancaster PA, but wanting the kids enter a few more states, we took a more circuitous route that included Delaware and Maryland - too bad we couldn't include these additional states in their passports...
Week's Favorite. Patti and our daughter Allegra attended an Easter egg decorating class. This is a nice example of a well-designed egg and the candle that melted the beeswax.

Water. This is the small Saybrook Breakwater Lighth that lies at the confluence of the Connecticut River and Long Island Sound at Old Saybrook, CT. Lots of briny seawater here. Thanks Teresa!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Shadow Shot Sunday 2 - Winter's Last Gasp

I am tired of the cold temperatures of winter, and given the long term predictions that Spring is here (in feel as well as chronologically), I have to admit its artistry is nice. So for Shadow Shot Sunday 2, here is a look at our back yard last week - and it looks nice. In fact, there has been substantial snow melt this week, so one last look at the season past...

Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday Hunt, 2017.1.12

The weekend arrives with Teresa's fun photo meme, Friday Hunt. Given her clues, I am ready :)

Starts with 'L'. The first one is a statue of Marquis de Lafayette, the French general who aided in the Colonial Army. Lafayette today marches at the intersection of Capitol and Washington Avenues in Hartford Connecticut. Alas, the daily commuters probably do not know of the aid provided by the French general that helped form our republic..
This is another pic of the grand opening spread at the new Lulu Pazzo Italiano restaurant in Ansonia. This was the seafood offering (I stayed with the cooked shrimp on the upper platter)
Finally, Patti captured a nice look at the glass pyramid at the Musée Louvre during a school trip with our daughter in 2004.
Week's Favorite. Our daughter captured this fiery sunrise this morning. So colorful yet as we are aware of the old sailor's saying about 'Red sky at morning...' It was a gray day, so the old seafarer's adage was true today.
Antique. This print is an antique to me although it was taken in real time, this being 1920. It is my grandfather, the gentleman in the vest. I believe his half-sister Essie is to his right, his mother Lucinda to his left and his father James next to her. It was likely taken in the Ohio River steel town of Weirton, West Virginia. The print I have has Grandpa's notations from 1978 on the back - he looks just so cool! 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Shadow Shot Sunday - Cardinal

For today's Shadow Shot Sunday 2, I will complain about more snow as March progresses. Tuesdays snow (13in/33cm) ended with hours of sleet that froze and added a frosty crust to the frozen precip (in fact, the feral cats who pass through the back yard walk upon the frozen mess layering the earth). However, show makes for nice shadows of a forsythia and the cardinal underneath that Patti captured with a nice but not perfect point-and-shoot Olympus. Snow...ugh! But shadows on the snow - magnifiqué!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Friday Hunt, 2017.1.11

Happy St. Patricks Day - we had a pizza for dinner (corned beef on Sunday). Friday returns, as does Teresa's fun meme, Friday Hunt. She gives us the clues, and following are mine:

Starts with 'K'. I choose Kids, our two, Allegra and Cameron. To the left is the first day of school 1998, fifth and third grade. To the right, now grown at a family wedding in 2015. New dress, new suit and tie and we can tell they're not in grade school anymore...
Week's Favorite. Patti again is the source for the favorite as she chases through the patio door cardinals and blue jays, this jay taken yesterday. Instead of the normal squawking and aggressive blue jay, her is a more dignified bird. Until he/she isn't...
Drink. Here is a Cosmopolitan ordered by a family member in a cool glass at a now defunct Ansonia restaurant. Nice color and stylish presentation. Of course, there is a glass of water nearby to quench thirst in a not so stylish glass. Hydration is the key!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday Hunt, 2017.1.10

With an Arctic front now enveloping the Northeast USA, it is again time for Teresa's fun photo meme, Friday Hunt. Today the tenth letter of the alphabet is prominent...

Starts with 'J'. This is a bit harder to showcase straight up, but peripherally I think so. So, my choice today is the Garden State, New Jersey. I go way back for my first three Jersey pics, vacations on the Atlantic on the barrier island of Brigantine - in a day where lots of independent motels existed, not like today where everything is a time share. However, the briny air and crashing waves still remain to this day :)
Brigantine NJ, 1968
The entire family by Brigantine Beach NJ, 1969

When there were five kids, with Aunt Terry in the surf, Brigantine NJ, 1961
Week's Favorite. Patti captured this moonrise about four hours ago outside our front door in Ansonia. The snow ended, the cold front is here and the sky is perfect to see the moon in all its glory
Birds. This is the scene on Pickett's Pond at Osbornedale State Park in Derby yesterday, when it was a warm 61°F (16°C) - figure 15°F tonight. The gulls look relaxed then, probablynot so much with ice on the pond. So, Winter remains :(

Friday, March 3, 2017

Friday Hunt, 2017.1.9

It is again time for Teresa's fun meme, Friday Hunt. The clues are in as am I now...

Starts with I. Two are presented this week, but are not from this winter, thankfully. The first (L) is Inch - our daughter measured the new snow on January 12, 2011. It was 15 inches (38 cm) that day. Our daughter wielded the tape measure, happily wearing the right, taken a couple of weeks later (Jan. 27, 2011) after yet another massive snowfall - the icicles that formed over the gutter. Pretty sky, mean, jagged icicle. Happily, the winter of 2010-2011 passed, as will this winter - even as an Arctic blast is descending on us tonight...
Week's Favorite. Patti went to a Read Across America Day event at Bungay School in neighboring Seymour CT. Here, the school's Principal performs Green Eggs and Ham with the Cat in the Hat in front of the students in the gym. She looks great, although all the moves in high heels may have been a bit uncomfortable...
Nose. This was taken by passenger Patti in 1999 on the Fort Pitt Bridge in Pittsburgh and it is me, looking at the road as my profile is captured. Note the old Three Rivers Stadium in the background. Thanks as always for the meme, Teresa!