Saturday, February 25, 2017

Shadow Shot Sunday - snowy yet shadowy

I'm back today for Shadow Shot Sunday 2. Fresh snow is a fine backdrop for shadows, and these were taken last week at Osbornedale State Park in neighboring Derby, CT. Cold air with blue skies makes for shadowy highlights by frozen Pickett's Pond. Of course, that was then - today, the snow is gone and it was a balmy 59°F / 15°C which is abnormal. Not that I'm complaining...


  1. You still have snow? Oh, I don't envy you! But the shadows are nice!

  2. Lovely wintry, shadow shots ~ I have similar snow photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Week ~ ^_^

  3. snow, snow go away...ready for green shadows now. i know, be patient!! :-)

    ps...Hi Ralph-I also would like you to please consider joining me on Fridays for my just BE meme. I started this past Friday, I'm asking people to post a photo of something from the week that made them take pause, to be in the just BE. Hope to see you there. robin.
