Saturday, February 11, 2017

Friday Hunt, 2017.1.6

The weekend begins and we are ready for Teresa's fun photo meme Friday Hunt is here. Without further ado, we begin:

Starts with 'F'. The first is a look at my second wheelchair van, a 1998 Ford E150. I drove it from 1998 to 2010, sold at about 160,000 miles (255,000 km); here is at our motel on Cape Cod
Another 'F' is a few inches (or a few cm) of snow at the beginning of Thursday's blizzard. We actually ended up with over a foot of snow by the evening.
The final 'F' sands for Family, this being all seven Villers kids on the famed Boardwalk in Atlantic City, I believe August 1969. I suppose at 14, I look positively thrilled at posing for a photo...
Week's Favorite. Patti captured this elusive blue jay as he/she huddles under the forsythia during Thursday's snowstorm
Heart. This heart contains 'Hello' an lots of languages at Irving School in neighboring Derby. This was the lesson students learned this week during Derby public schools and nationwide’ “Start with Hello” initiative; its goal is awareness of social isolation and the need to eliminate it. Thanks Teresa!


  1. WOW Ralph, a "F"ew inches turned in "F"eet of snow. The Blue Jay is a favorite and I thought the new thing was "just speak English."

  2. I love the heart picture and the lesson behind it. What a great idea for the school to share. We also had a blizzard that started on Thursday night and followed through well into Friday. I had to cancel a massage appointment for my shoulder, which was disappointing, but the roads were terrible. We have 2 more snowstorms due to hit this week. A great picture of you and all your siblings. As an only child, I don't have those kinds of memories to share. I was 4 months old when that picture was taken!

  3. Ralph, I like your "Hello Heart". It's very unusual for Teresa's group here. I like it. I like the family '69 picture also. My kids were about your ages back then too. Either you are the little boy or the older boy?
    I don't really want your snow. I grew up with lots of it in Nebraska and then got three more years when we lived in New Hampshire. I left my snow shovel both places, we have no need for one here in our Gulf Coast Texas area. But I still have hanging in the garage my boyhood SLED that I shared with my sister.

  4. The heart is wonderful! What a great idea. Nice family photo. I don't know many 14-year-olds who like to pose for family photos. That is a lot of snow all at once. We've had a mostly rainy winter, which is crazy. Thanks so much for joining in Friday's Hunt. Have a great week!
