Friday, September 1, 2017

Friday Hunt 2017.2.9

Friday Hunt, hosted by Teresa, is back close to Labor and the unofficial end of Summer. But a perfect time to participate in this great meme…

Starts with ‘I’. I have four today that start with ‘I’. The first is introduction, our son Cameron at 20 months 1992. He introduces himself to kitty Tiger, a normally standoffish being who is actually being cordial here
Then there is Ice. The year is 1959, and my 5 year old big sister Michele is on the ice in St Paul Minnesota. With a hockey stick, she may be considering a career choice (spoiler alert: she didn’t :)
Finally, here is a mid-winter shot of the playground at Irving School in Derby CT. It may be cold, but on this day you can have the pick of whatever playscape you want
Bowl. These are filled with pasta, a bowl of macaroni salad we made and a bowl of sausage and peppers over pasta at Rosa Mina restaurant in Ansonia, a great eatery - and if you go, I hope you like lots of garlic. I do :) 
Desire. Furry family feline Linus McDonald begs for food. Although this pic was from 2010, his desire for your food continues today. Here is the chair Linus sits in to beg for whatever mommy (aka: Patti) is having for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner - desirous for sure!


  1. Linus is a polite cat. The last cat I dealt with at my BIL's house got up on the table and sniffed in things. The sausage, peppers, and pasta sounds really good. Your "Ice" reminded me of the BBC reporter who had a grant to do research on the Artic. She had a blog, called "Ice".
    While I'm here I will peek in on last week's. This has been a busy week for the Jim's and all us around Texas. A reliable estimate of Texas cars damaged beyond repair is 500,000 cars.

  2. ...Ralph, I always enjoy your vintage photos.

  3. Fun throw back shots for the meme!

  4. Love the hockey stick shot - that's a great vintage pic. The bowl with the blue stripes is wonderful. I haven't got one like that in my collection! The pasta salad looks really good too. Nice to see your feline friends!

  5. Love the shot of your sister. She looks so happy to be out there having fun! Yummy bowls. I like Linus. I have a cat or two with that same desire. Thanks so much for joining Friday's Hunt. Sorry to be so late in visiting.

  6. Cute Cameron and "cordial" kitty. I didn't even know what hockey was at the age of your sister. I guess living in Minnesota had something to do with that! The food looks yummy! Linus is a handsome dinner partner.
