Friday arrives as does an excellent meme, Friday Hunt, hosted by Teresa. The prompts this week compelled me to go to the archives - so now I am ready :)
Starts with 'G'. I thought and thought and found what works: Graduate. I was looking at graduates I have known that spanned the decades. The top row left is my Dad as a Graduate, Ohio's Bowling Green State University, 1950, with my mom, his intended bride alongside. To the right is son Cameron, University of Hartford, 2013.
Allegra graduates Ansonia High School in 2006 with a rainbow overhead, a perfect metaphor to a bright future. At the other end is Cameron 'graduating' from Small World Nursery school, age 4, 1995.
Bottom row is myself graduating Franciscan University in 1977 (one can guess my age :) and Allegra graduating the U of Hartford in 2010. Plenty of Graduates here!
Candy. Halloween, in my experience, is the place to start looking for candy. Here are the kids after going out for Halloween, Allegra and Cameron examine their largesse after their trick-or-treating in 2004. Looks delicious if unfriendly should someone be carb averse, although for the two teenagers in our home then, it was not a problem...

Latch. This door is at a local BBQ restaurant, House of Bones in Derby, CT. It is in an old building along a rail siding, and this is the door at the old train dock. I think there is a latch somewhere on this massive century old steel door. Great prompts this week!