Saturday, November 5, 2016

Shadow Shot Sunday - Tricorn

Happily, I am on my third iteration of my Airhead 55 Blogger blog - free web hosting, like anything else, always has a cost associated with it. Hopefully this time, the blog will work as planned for more than one year before becoming wonky and disjointed. So I am back at Shadow Shot Sunday 2.

My shadow today comes from an October open house of the Derby Historical Society at the 1698 David Humphreys homestead. In the general's study. the sun was filtering in the classic (and uninsulated) six-over-six windows. This allowed for interesting colonial shadows for the period quill pen and tricorn hats. Shadows like this jump at me and I respond accordingly.

David Humphreys was a unique individual born in tis house in 1752, in what was Derby CT. He was aide de camp to George Washington during the American Revolution, minister to Portugal and later Spain  and later Spain.  He also introduced Merino sheep (and their luxurious wool) to the US. Quite an interesting and capable person born less than two miles from our home...

1 comment:

  1. I just like looking at it without knowing the explanation, so my mind can make up a story. Happy blogging.
