Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Weekend Roundup, 'I'

It is Saturday in the lead-up to Labor / Labour Day, so it's time for Tom's fun meme, The Weekend Roundup. Given the many days of heat and humidity in Southern New England (well, not nearly as hot as Phoenix nor as humid as Houston), the first photos take us away from Summer for a bit...

Beginning with 'I' begins with Icicles and my view Inside of an Icy Rain storm outside our front door from wheelchair height. The pics are from 2011 where we had an unusually cold, snowy and Icy winter.

Industrial. Here are massive fuel tanks along the docks of New Haven Harbor.
Finally, here is a pic of the Intercoastal Waterway taken from the mainland side in Stuart Florida. This is an old print taken in December 1980 (where it was not Icy :). Happy Labor Day!


  1. Nice "I's", Ralph. Those icicles are really great, it must have been a wet snow or else freezing rain before the snow. Down here we only get icicles around the water faucets if we run them when it might freeze. They never get long like that, 18 inches would be nice and long here (Houston). I caught my last fish while fishing in the Intercostal Canal. That was in 2013 (or 2003), our BIL took me with his dad for my birthday.
    I left this comment on my own blog earlier this week. You might like to read about my sister and I on the Intercostal Canal. We never did make it.
    "This was one of my iffy bucket list dreams. But I retired too late in life for all the tasks involved. As did my sister. We would have gone up and down the Intercoastal Canal from Florida to Mexico.
    "Canal boats travel the slow way, very nice, fun of sorts. We've been on them in England, France, Russia, Panama, China, and the U.S. The Suez Canal is on my 14th bucket list. (I may have left out a couple, these were at the top of my head.)"
    My poem started: (you can finish rieading it at the link below)
    "Do you want to come along

    We have this cute little tugboat
    Sister and I
    Going up and down the canals
    That's our new life "

  2. Ralph, those ice photos are too familiar! We don't enjoy the winter much anymore, living in New Hampshire we have winter for a very long time. I also posted pictures of ice this week! Trying to enjoy what's left of summer. Enjoy your week, too.
